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Budget your marriage

Budget your marriage

Have you ever waited for your country’s budget in order to look at areas of planning and investment? So it is in marriage; if you do not have a budget in your marriage, the likelihood of being financially free as a family is next to none. Remember that financial freedom

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What is the cost of truth?

What is the cost of truth?

Beautiful ladies, it’s time for our weekly teaching and I will be sharing on ‘what is the cost of truth?’. I had just finished watching a particular episode of my popular series, where a young woman was raped severally but she decided to come forward not for herself but to

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What kind of couple are you

What kind of couple are you?

What kind of couple are you? A few years ago, we were invited to speak at a Marriage Safety Initiative and we were opportune to listen to a reverend father who blew me away with his words. “The common problem in marriage is that most women come into marriage with

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