Indeed, Thursday, 8th June 2023, was a day to reminisce and understand that the freedom we have is a gift from God. As Keeping Marriage Alive Initiative celebrated its founder’s week with inmates in the Female Custodial Facility, Kirikiri, Lagos State, Nigeria.

A lot of food items, toiletries, and a printer were given with free counselling to the inmates.

Few inmates were selected to participate in our support services, which included bail assistance. Also, financial support was given to a lady who was in labour.

Our founder, Ngee (Ngozi Okonkwo), encouraged and reminded the inmates that “Prison is not an enclosed 4 (four) walls. Rather, the real prison can be defined as the state of a heart that is filled with unforgiveness.”

The Cofounder, Rich(Dr. Richard Okonkwo), prayed and encouraged them to draw closer to God.

We especially thank our team and everyone who supported in various ways, especially the KMAI stakeholders, staff, volunteers, Woman and Marriage members, and FGGC Owerri 97 set.

May God bless you all.

Enjoy the snippet of the event here

For counselling, you could reach out to us via the following platforms:
Instagram and Facebook- Keepingmarriagealive.
Twitter- AliveKMA.
Office line- +2347088765212.