Wow! Wow! Wow!

KMA Couples Hangout was a blast!

Let me tell you a little secret – “they are already asking for another one”.

Marriage is worth every bit of it, if we become real with one another – “they were naked and not ashamed”.

We also opened the Pandora box of marriage.
Dealing with issues like – communication, leadership, submission, sex, finances.

We now dealt with the day’s topic- fight for your marriage.

“LOVE – real intentional love is the way to fight and keep our marriage.

We uncovered the lie that love is only emotional; we came to the conclusion that love is a choice.

A choice to choose what is best for our marriage. We agreed that marriage flourishes only when husband and wife puts the other as priority.

Finally we analyzed our cars and we were given a mandate to treat our spouse better than we treat our cars?


Ngee & Rich
Founders of Keeping Marriage Alive Initiative

“Will two people walk together unless they have agreed to do so?” Amos 3:3 (CEB).