Yesterday was mother’s day and we were guest ministers in Destiny Christian Centre and also visited my Mom. Hope we all spent time with the mothers in our lives? But this is not the reason for this post. I had a dream and after praying with hubby, I am led to share some key points publicly.
In my dream an alarm sounded to commence war. This is the second time am seeing this war on our nation. Whether it is a physical or spiritual war, I know not. There are key things I am led to share about the dream and I hope we all can read, understand and share it.
- There are signs of war and we are too busy to notice it.
- If this war takes place, the children and the future of Nigeria will be hardest hit.
- We have to fast with our words. Watch what you say with your words, is it affirming or defaming the nation?
- Watch your actions, are you enabling corruption, tribalism and godlessness in this nation?
- To stop the war and renegotiate our path as a nation begins in the place of prayer.
- Gate keepers are needed! Those that will make a commitment to pray at least 10mins or more for Nigeria (some of us are already interceding for Nigeria).
The book of Nehemiah should be our watchword! Watch and pray – And they all plotted together to come and fight against Jerusalem, to injure and cause confusion and failure in it. But because of them we made our prayer to our God and set a watch against them day and night. (Nehemiah 4:8-9 AMPC).
Just like we stood united concerning Ebola and things turned around quickly, we have to be united with one voice in prayers for Nigeria..
Let us pray:
Lord, you reveal so that we can be saved! Thank you for this revelation and we ask for grace to stand in the gap for our nation in Jesus name… Amen!