A curve ball is something that is difficult and unpleasant to deal with. Recently, a curve ball was thrown at me, and it was so unexpected and heart-wrenching! If we understood the curve balls coming our way, they wouldn’t be curve balls anymore.

One story that seems to encapsulate the full weight of curve balls is the story of Job. In the Scripture, one day, he was the most respected and looked up to man in his community. The very next day, he became a sore sight; accused of having a hand in his children’s death and his businesses. It was so bad that his friends encouraged him to tell the truth, and even his wife told him to curse God and die. Yet in all these, he maintained his ‘steeze’, believing that Go is still in control of his life in spite of the great loss.

A while later, he recovered all and doubled all he had lost. I’m not sure of any great man or woman who hasn’t been behest by curve balls, yet they used it to their advantage.

What curve balls are you dealing with currently?

Rich says:

Can one adequately prepare for the unexpected? Curve balls are real, but what we do in the midst of it determines which way it will swing, whether it will make us better or leave us bitter.

This Scripture is a reminder that curve balls will surely come and go, but we must use them wisely. Psalms 110:1 (KJV) – “The LORD said unto my Lord, sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.”

I have had a lot of curve balls thrown at me, and I’m currently experiencing one. I might not know why they come my way, but I’m sure they will work together for my good.

Again, I ask what curve balls (marital, financial, childbearing, health, emotional, etc) are you dealing with today? Learn from it and let it become a springboard into the future God desires for you.

Ngee and Rich
(Ngozi and Dr. Richard Okonkwo)
Relationship Coach/Habit Instructors
Founders – Keeping Marriage Alive Initiative (KMAI).

“Will two people walk together unless they have agreed to do so?” Amos 3:3.

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