Hello beautiful ladies, today is Tuesday and it is time for our teaching. We will be discussing – CONSEQUENCES OF EMOTIONAL AFFAIR.
An emotional affair is when a person not only invests more of their emotional energy outside their marriage but also receives emotional support and companionship from the new relationship.
Some years ago, I had to cut-off a male relationship that was becoming too close for comfort. It all began as a simple check up. Hubby and I were going through our divorce saga and this friend was calling daily to make sure I was okay.
Unconsciously, I began to anticipate in excitement for the call. Fortunately I was sensitive enough to realize what was going on in time and had to nip it at the bud and end the relationship.
I also remember a friend who shared her experience:
She usually goes to work around 7am and her neighbour will usually compliment her dressing. On a particular day, he was not around and she felt lost and lonely. It then dawned on her that an emotional attachment was already taking place and she didn’t notice.
Majority of women have one time or the other had an emotional affair especially when their marriage is going through a crisis or under stress. Emotional affairs is so subtle that we do not realize the damage done to self and to the marriage.
Consequences of emotional affairs:
- Your marriage begins to suffer because of emotional disconnect between you and your spouse
- It opens door for separation and could lead to divorce.
- Your spouse’s flaws is magnified thereby destroying the little love left between you both.
- It reduces your zeal to fight for your marriage.
Dear friend, will you let go of emotional attachment and give your marriage the fighting chance.
Did you miss the last Woman and Marriage post? You can click to read here – https://www.keepingmarriagealive.com/loving-your-neighbour-as-yourself/
Tips for maximizing your marriage – https://youtu.be/th2vMyKKnwo
(Mrs Ngozi Okonkwo)
Relationship Coach/Habit Instructor
Convener – Woman and Marriage
Founder Keeping Marriage Alive Initiative.